Livanjski cheese original

Livanjski cheese original

Livno cheese falls into the category of hard whole milk cheeses that mature under the bark naturally for at least 60 days. It is made of cow, sheep, or a mixture of cow’s and sheep’s milk, in coils. Our dairy is particuralry specialized in this type of cheese which is also an indigenous product. It can be consumed in sliced or in grated form.

The cheese has a strong aromatic scent and the taste is fall, spicy after walnut kernels, a little salty, specific and well defined. The dough of the cheese is medium-hard, tough, but it can be cut relatively easily. The color is yellowish. Livno region is characterized by mountainous and ragged conditions for keeping cattle, where the collision of contitental and marine air flow result in the grow of high quality grosses, which give Livno cheese a yellowish color (we do not add any color) and the specific walnut kernel flavor.

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Credits: Dairy Orman