Basic cheesemaking process described by the cheesemaker Biddy Fraser-Davies, the owner of Cwmglyn Farm (pronounced Coom-glin) situated in the North Island of New Zealand. Biddy has a small herd of Jersey cows and makes cheese by traditional methods.


  • The cow’s udder is wiped to ensure cleanliness and to stimulate her to let down her milk.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The cups from the milking machine are attached.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The milk is poured from the collecting vat. The sieve is a precaution against solid contaminants.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The milk is now filtered.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • [Pasteurization – may be omitted] The milk is heated in a water bath to 65 degrees Celsius and held there for 19 seconds.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The milk is cooled rapidly using cold water and frozen cold packs.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • A measured amount of freeze-dried cheese culture is added to the milk in the cheese vat.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The temperature of the milk is adjusted as required and the milk is allowed to stand for a measured time to allow the cheese culture to grow.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • Rennet is measured out. This is an extract from calve’s stomachs which causes the milk to curdle. For vegetarian cheeses a rennet-substitute of microbial origin is used.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The rennet is added to the milk with stirring.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • After around 20 minutes the milk has set solid as the curd forms.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is cut with a knife twice at right angles.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is now cut horizontally into cubes using a special curdcutter.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is stirred, holding it at the desired temperature for 45-60 minutes, until the pH has fallen to 6.2-6.1.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is separated using a colander and is kept warm (at 38 Celsius) while developing texture and the required pH. The colander is placed over a bucket of hot water and is kept covered to maintain the temperature of the curd.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is cut into blocks for the cheddaring process.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • Cheddaring – the cut blocks of curd are allowed to stand to allow acidity to contiue developing and to obtain curds of the required consistency.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • A curd mill. This is a type of peg mill in which the curd is broken up by the fixed and rotating pegs.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • Milling the curd using the curd mill. Sometimes the curd is passed through the mill a second time to obtain smaller pieces.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • Salt is added to the curd.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The salt is mixed into the curd, a process naturally called “salting”.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is scooped up and packed into a prepared mould, lined with cheesecloth. The inner section of a pasta-cooker forms a suitable mould.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The curd is packed into the mould.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The cheesecloth is folded over the curd and a “follower” is added.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The filled mould is placed in the press.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The cheese being pressed. Extra weight is added as the excess whey is squeezed out of the cheese. The cheese is also removed from the mould after some hours, turned over and replaced in the press. This is done initially after 15-20 minutes and subsequently every 12 hours or so. This helps to obtain a uniform cheese with a smooth finish.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • This is a cheese being removed for turning.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • A cheese after it has been pressed for the first time. It will be trimmed, turned over and returned to the mould. It will then be pressed for another day or two.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • A new cheese is removed from the mould after pressing has been completed.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • New cheeses are air dried for several days and then coated with our own clarified butter. Nothing else is added.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • The coated cheese is placed in our purpose-built cheese store. The temperature is maintained between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 80%. A natural rind forms on the cheese.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

  • To encourage a uniform rind and even maturing the cheeses are wiped and turned daily.


Basic Cheesemaking Process

Click here to see more about Biddy’s farm and cheeses published on the World Cheese Map …

Credits: Biddy Fraser-Davies