Productos Lácteos Artesanales S.L., is a company of Fuente Palmera, province of Cordoba, Andalusia, located at the south of Spain.


Quincana is the name given by the inhabitants of our region to the bag made with palm leaves that the shepherds traditionally used to carry their food when they went to the flock. We decided to pay homage to these men giving this name to one of our cheese: Quinkana.

Our cheeses are the result of our experience in the milk and cattle market. We have combined the traditional goat cattle-raising from the province of Córdoba with the craft industry of mainly goat cheese.

The old recipes we use to make our cheese have been passed down from generation to generation by word to mouth. These recipes have been collected by our master cheese makers, who have also added their experience and knowledge. They have expertly combined the tradition with the modern techniques of manufacturing to guarantee a healthy product of magnificent taste.


The colony of Fuente Palmera was founded by King Carlos III in 1768 with the New Populations Order with the objective of repopulating part of the Sierra Morena with settlers from Germany, Flanders, Switzerland or Italy, who brought their customs and traditions,and in particular the production of artisanal cheeses.

Contact us

  • Productos Lácteos Artesanales
  • Calle Antonio Machado 4, 14120 Fuente Palmera, Cordoba
  • Spain
  • Call +34 957 63 81 96

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Productos Lácteos Artesanales