Each Cwmglyn (pronounced coom-glin) Farmhouse Cheese is individually handmade from the milk of one or more named cows, grazing the mixed-herb organic pastures of Cwmglyn Farm — possibly the smallest commercial dairy farm in New Zealand!

Cwmglyn Farm

The cheesemaker, Biddy Fraser-Davies, milks the cows (in a single herring-bone cowshed) and then makes the cheese in her licensed and purpose built cheese room. The cows are loved and respected and live a stress-free life without pesticides on their pastures, chemical drenches thrust down their throats or ladled on their backs. Their contentment is obvious in the quality of their milk!

Cwmglyn Farm

Cwmglyn cheese is made in the traditional English farmhouse style with a wholly natural rind. Most cheese is matured for 3 to 7 months. The wheel (or “truckle” as it is known in Britain) of cheese is usually made from about 20 to 45 litres of milk and spends between 24 -72 hours in a cheese press before going into storage where it is wiped and turned daily.

Cwmglyn Farm

Click here to see Biddy’s Basic Cheesemaking Proces …

The farm is situated near Mt. Bruce in the foothills of the Tararua Range, 9 kilometres South of Eketahuna at Middleton Model Railway.

Contact us

  • Cwmglyn Farm
  • 36 Morgans Road, RD2 Eketahuna 4994
  • New Zealand
  • Call 06-375-8634
  • www.cwmglyn.co.nz

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Cwmglyn Farm