In 1961, the marriage formed by Jesús Martínez and Justi González founded the cheesery, Lácteos Martínez – Queso Los Cameros. They easily learnt how to produce cheeses at home, since their parents made cheeses for their own family consumption. Nowadays their four children are leading the cheesery. Los Cameros Cheese is still run according to family values: cheese and family are our way of life.

Queso Los Cameros

Queso Los Cameros

We are located in Haro, La Rioja – Spain. It is a region that is known for its wines, although this should not be allowed to overshadow its cuisine, which is rich in vegetables, cured meats and cheese.

Queso Los Cameros

At Los Cameros Cheese, we believe that our cheeses have a unique and simple mission: Help you to toast for a better life, a life made of good things done with care. At Los Cameros Cheese we are committed to the Rioja region’s tradition of providing high quality, along with its desire to perfect the legacy that springs from its soil while looking towards the future with optimism.

Contact us

  • Lácteos Martínez – Queso Los Cameros
  • Polígono Industrial Fuente Ciega. Los Nogales 55, 26200 Haro (La Rioja)
  • Spain
  • Call +34 941310940

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Queso Los Cameros