I am a small cheese producer who is passionate about using raw cow’s milk. Both St. Jude and its washed rind sister cheese, St. Cera, are made from raw milk on a farm in Suffolk, East Anglia. This farm has 300 cows of mixed breeding but predominantly Montbéliarde. As a cheesemaker I am interested in the whole story of the milk that I use and enjoy working closely with the farmer, learning about the day to day stockman ship of the animals.

White Wood Dairy

I like to know how the cows, the farm and soil are cared for as I feel that this is an integral part of making quality cheese. Within an hour of the milk being pumped across from the parlour to the cheeseroom I am starting the cheesemaking process. It is delightful that this farmhouse cheese varies through the season according to what the cows are eating and their stage of lactation reflecting and expressing the bio-diversity of the farm and its cows.

Contact us

  • White Wood Dairy
  • Suffolk, East Anglia
  • United Kingdom
  • Call 07771618385
  • www.whitewooddairy.co.uk

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: White Wood Dairy