Entering Widmer’s Cheese Cellars in the tiny town of Theresa, Wis. is like stepping back in time. Adorned with the flags of Swiss cantons on the outside, the plant inside affords visitors a close-up look at the making of some of the Dairy State’s best, most classic cheese varieties.

Widmers Cheese Cellars

Just a step down from a small retail area sits the “make room,” its traditional open vats being carefully tended, curds being stirred or hand-scooped into forms, or the famous Widmer bricks being gently placed atop the forms to press the whey out of the signature Brick cheese.

In recent years, our Cheddars have more age to satisfy the palate of the distinctive, artisan-style cheese lover. Original family recipes and select cultures (with no shortcuts) gives our Cheddars a more sophisticated and complex flavor profile.

Widmer still washes the Cheddar curds before salting and placing in forms to lower the amount of lactose, which reduces bitterness and the final product. Our super aged Cheddars have an intense flavor with hints of caramel, and are known for being very smooth without bitterness associated with some aged Cheddars. Also available with Jalapeño peppers.

Widmers Cheese Cellars

Contact us

  • Widmer’s Cheese Cellars
  • 214 W. Henni Street, Theresa, WI 53091
  • United States
  • Call 920-488-2503
  • www.widmerscheese.com

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Widmer’s Cheese Cellars