In original the adit of the silver-mine should be adapted as a cure-adit. In purpose of using this adit for showing around tourists, in the year 2006 Franz Möstl got the idea to let cheese ripe inside there.


In the same year he started a test of cheese-riping in a side-adit. Several kinds of cheese from different dairies were tested for several months, until the best process for riping cheese was found. With this needful knowledge in the year 2008 „Almenland Stollenkäse GmbH“ was found and the rebuilding of the former mine-house started.

In April 2008 the dairy Leitner was rebuilt to a modern dairy, and the cooperation got a concrete shape. The challenge of development and producing of own sorts of cheese could be started.


In March 2009 started the extension of the 2nd adit (300 m into the mountain) parallel to the old adit. Since beginning of 2010 there the several kinds of Almenland adit-cheese are riped. The loafs are stored 100 m deep in the mountain, embeded in millions of years old stones by constant 10 degrees, summer and winter. Riping is here a natural process.

„We don’t do much with our cheese, we just let the nature work with us, wash the cheese with salt-water, turn the loafs around and give it time for riping. Nevertheless it’s our know-how that gives our adit-cheese that unique taste. How much salt-water is used and how often we turn each loaf you cannot learn in any school. That’s our work, our knowledge and even our challange.“

Nature takes its own way, you have to arrange with experience and work with suggestion.

The adit-cheese – a product joined with nature!

Contact us

  • Almenland Stollenkäse
  • Arzberg 32, 8162 Passail
  • Austria
  • Call +43 (0)3179 23050

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Almenland Stollenkäse