I first arrived to Spain working for the CIA in World War II. A few years later, I met who would soon to be my husband, Luis de Figueroa y Perez de Guzman el Bueno, The Count of Romanones, who had several estates throughout Spain. One in particular, Finca Pascualete caught my attention because of its rich history and unique ecosystem. From that moment I’ve dedicated my life to preserving the culture and tradition passed down throughout centuries.

Finca Pascualete

Today I’m proud that a products I’ve shared with guests and friends for years are being enjoyed in homes around the world. In the near future we look forward to surprising you with additional farm products which have been part of our age old tradition in Finca Pascualete for generations.

Countess of Romanones

Finca Pascualete

Contact us

  • Finca Pascualete
  • P.I. de la Dehesilla S/N. 10200 Trujillo, Cáceres
  • Spain
  • Call +34 927 320 851
  • www.fincapascualete.com

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Finca Pascualete