We make our cheeses on a small scale according to artisan traditions and put a lot of time and effort into our products. As small-scale cheesemakers we do everything ourselves. All our washed-rind cheeses are regularly washed and turned while maturing, which can be up to nine months. Many of our cheeses are matured on wooden shelves to give the cheese an attractive surface and to add to the flavour.

Jurss Mejeri

We use locally produced organic milk from several farms in our municipality, including Fräkentorps Gård and Flassbro Gård just outside Hälleforsnäs. We have an agreement with Arla regarding direct delivery to us. It’s important that the milk is of a high quality and that it is stored properly until we make the cheese. Direct delivery gives us good control of this. We use around 3,500 litres of cow’s milk every week.

Jurss Mejeri

The dairy is located at Gjutmästarbacken 1 in Hälleforsnäs. We sell our cheese and other local seasonal specialities in our shop next door to the dairy.

Contact us

  • Jürss Mejeri
  • Gjutmästarbacken 1, 64831 Hälleforsnäs
  • Sweden
  • Call +46 157-141 10
  • www.jurssmejeri.se

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Jürss Mejeri