In the beginning, we moved to Little Buckholt Farm , West Tytherley, Hampshire, in 1952 having bought the 50 acre farm. Starting with 3 cows, all Guernseys, Faith, Hope and Beatrix, we will have milked cows, twice a day, every day since that year, 3 generations and spanning 60 years. In 1969 we took on Lyburn Farm, and started with about 270 acres and 200 cows.

Lyburn Farm

The whole operation of producing cheese is very much a team effort. Phil has been at the farm a long time now and knows each of the cows as individuals. His job, as herdsman, is to produce clean wholesome, good quality milk with low cell counts. The cows produce about 1.3 million liters of milk a year, of which we turn about 50% into cheese. James, will then use his skills as a cheesemaker, to turn the milk into curds. Then, eventually cheese, over a period of 10 weeks to 18 months. Andy and Stevs role is overseeing the maturation of the cheese, the packing and distribution.  Jono our eldest son will look after the farm and do the muddy boots bit, Judy will look after the farm office.

The moment of truth is 2 months later when all the batches are graded. How good are they, what are the strong points and the weak points. Every batch can be slightly different to the previous, what do they smell like , what is the dry matter, have they maintained their shape, and the final factor, what do they taste like. All the detail of the make is recorded and when we grade cheese we refer back to the make sheet, and that is how we learn to make changes, improve the cheese, and strive for perfection.

Lyburn Farm

Contact us

  • Lyburn Farm
  • Landford, Salisbury, SP5 2DN
  • United Kingdom
  • Call 01794 399982

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Lyburn Farm