A hundred years of tradition and own livestock endorse this cheese-making factory from Malagón.

The livestock and cheese-making tradition of the Mata family dates back to the late nineteenth century. Marino Mata was a shepherd who hailed from Malagón, Ciudad Real, Castile-La Mancha where, together with his wife, Juliana Colmenar, established himself as a farmer.

Don Apolonio

Don Apolonio

The various types of cheese which are made in Quesos Don Apolonio, use as the main raw material milk from the flocks, herds or trips feeding on the rich grasslands which are our land, Castile-La Mancha confers. For its preparation we always bear in mind to preserve the artisanal tradition of its origins.

Don Apolonio

This company has furthermore revamped itself in keeping with the times offering its products via its own online shop, which enables its rich cheeses to reach everyone. As regards the markets are concerned, these markets are distributed throughout Spain. These superb cheeses are demanded by the top and best-known chefs on the domestic scene.

Contact us

  • Quesos Don Apolonio
  • Ctra. Daimiel, Km 28, 13420 Malagón (C. Real)
  • Spain
  • Call +34 926 800 946, +34 607 801 493
  • www.quesosdonapolonio.es

Our cheeses on the World Cheese Map

Credits: Quesos Don Apolonio